Open when letters
We offer support through handwritten letters
Our goal is to foster emotional connection through the art of handwriting
About Open When Letters
Open When Letters offers emotional support and connection through handwritten letters. These personalized letters are crafted for specific moments or situations, providing comfort, encouragement, and guidance. Our mission is to reach people facing challenges like loneliness and stress, reminding them they're not alone and fostering a sense of community and human connection.
Our Work
Partner with community organizations
Host workshops to write personalized letters
Deliver letters and provide support
Our Story
Upasana Prabhu
After experiencing the impact of handwritten letters following a car accident in high school, I founded Open When Letters (OWLs) to offer this support and connection to those facing loneliness.
Originally launched as a student-run organization at The University of Texas at Austin, OWLs began by hosting workshops with volunteers and delivering letters to students in mentorship programs.
OWLs has now expanded its mission to support anyone struggling with loneliness, including students, the elderly, veterans, and more. We are always looking for new partnerships with community organizations.
Contact Us
Let's resolve this loneliness epidemic through the art of handwritten letters!