Open when letters

We offer support ​through ​handwritten letters

Our goal is to foster emotional connection ​through the art of handwriting

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About Open ​When Letters

Open When Letters offers emotional support and ​connection through handwritten letters. These ​personalized letters are crafted for specific moments ​or situations, providing comfort, encouragement, and ​guidance. Our mission is to reach people facing ​challenges like loneliness and stress, reminding them ​they're not alone and fostering a sense of community ​and human connection.

Our Work

Partner with community ​organizations

Host workshops to ​write personalized ​letters

Deliver letters and ​provide support

Our Story

white brush stroke
a person with a beard standing in front of a gray background

Upasana Prabhu


After experiencing the impact of handwritten letters following a car accident in ​high school, I founded Open When Letters (OWLs) to offer this support and ​connection to those facing loneliness.

Originally launched as a student-run organization at The University of Texas at ​Austin, OWLs began by hosting workshops with volunteers and delivering ​letters to students in mentorship programs.

OWLs has now expanded its mission to support anyone struggling with ​loneliness, including students, the elderly, veterans, and more. We are always ​looking for new partnerships with community organizations.

Why this matters?

73% of Gen Z report ​sometimes or always ​feeling alone

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43% of adults aged 60 ​and older report feeling ​lonely

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65% of people reported ​that handwritten letters ​improved their morale.

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Contact Us

Let's resolve this loneliness epidemic ​through the art of handwritten letters!


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